About The Author

Rosa Richley is published under her Pen name Katherine Rose. Her life story commenced in a bustling steel mill town in Northeast Ohio, where she was born to two hardworking immigrant parents, and she had the honor of being the eldest among her three siblings. Her story serves as a tribute to the power of dreams, imagination, and the boundless possibilities that literature can offer.

In her thirties, Katherine Rose found solace and strength in the art of poetry. She began to weave verses that echoed not only the profound beauty of the world but also the depths of her own experiences, failures, and the healing journey from a heart once broken. Writing became her sanctuary, a way to mend wounds and make sense of life's complexities.

Katherine Rose's poetic endeavors have received notable accolades, including an Honorable Mention for her piece "Wealth," a soulful exploration published in "Dance on the Horizon," now residing in the prestigious National Library of Poetry. "The Journey," another creation of hers, was bestowed with the Editors Choice Award in the anthology "Across the Universe," a testament to its emotional resonance and depth. In 1991, she achieved a significant milestone when she was bestowed with the revered Golden Poet Award by the esteemed World of Poetry. Additionally, her work was recognized by the International Society of Poets during the years 1995-1996.

These acknowledgements, while humbling, serve as a testament to the power of words and the universality of human emotions. Each piece Katherine Rose crafts is a fragment of her soul, an intimate connection with readers, inviting them to delve into the complexities of life and find solace in shared experiences. Through poetry, she discovered the profound ability of words to heal, inspire, and unite hearts.

One unforgettable day, while huddled together on their cozy couch during a ferocious thunderstorm with lightning flashing and power gone, Katherine Rose witnessed the fear in the eyes of her two youngest. In that moment, she became the storyteller they needed, weaving a tale that would calm their fears and ignite their imaginations. As her words flowed, she saw the fear recede and be replaced by wonder and comfort.

The joy of bringing solace and peace to her children through the power of storytelling marked the beginning of Katherine Rose's journey as an author. It was in that instant that she realized the enchanting world of children's books was not only a means to nurture young minds but also a source of pure, unbridled joy for both the storyteller and the eager listeners.